Do you know someone who might be interested in modeling at The Carolina Weddings Show?
Did you know that many of the models in our great fashion shows were people who attended and asked, "Can I model in your next show?" Would you like to be considered? The pay isn't much, but it is great fun. NOTE: OUR MODELS FOR THE AUGUST 2024 SHOWS HAVE ALREADY BEEN SELECTED. NEXT SHOWS: JANUARY, 2025.
REQUIREMENTS ( Please read carefully ):
Bride/Bridesmaid: Age 18-50; Height 5'5-5'10"; Dress 4-18
Groom/Usher: Age 18-50; Height 5'9"-6'3
Mother of the Bride: Age 40-60; Height 5'6-5'10""; Dress 6-18
Ring Bearer/Flower Girl: Age 7-9; not taller than 4'5"
Submit the following to
- A full body or 3/4 length photo, and a head (face) shot.
- Your name, email, phone number, and city in which you live.
- Age, height, and dress or coat size.
- It is not mandatory, but tell us if you have modeling experience.
- NOTE: You will be required to attend some fittings, dress rehearsals and the Shows. All take place in the Triad. If you live "out of town," please keep this in mind.