Exhibitor Information
Connect with Engaged Couples: what an opportunity!
WOW: Who are all of these people? Our shows are attended by hundreds of couples who are actively making wedding plans: they come to meet you!
Promote Your Wedding Business at Carolina Weddings and meet engaged couples who are ready to buy.
A Powerful Marketing Opportunity. Be alongside the cream of the crop of Triad wedding businesses. Most never miss a Show: they love being able to "sell" to hundreds of eager buyers.
How we deliver so many prospects for you. We create a massive advertising campaign. We're in the same major venues every year. And engaged couples love meeting people like you at these Shows!
Connect with Engaged Couples and present your business in a lovely booth environment. You will get an exclusive database so you can follow-up. Spaces are only $975, all-inclusive.
Get a free Exhibitor Kit.
Meet hundreds of newly engaged couples on one fun, profitable day. Join us at the Carolinas' longest-running major wedding show.